How do substitute teachers substitute? An empirical study of substitute-teacher labor supply. Economics of Education Review, 2012. [Published Version].
The causal effect of commute time on labor supply: Evidence from a natural experiment involving substitute teachers. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2013. [Published Version].
Do summer time-use gaps vary by socioeconomic status? American Educational Research Journal, 2013. [Published Version].
The effect of primary school size on academic achievement (w/ Laura Langbein). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2015. [Published Version].
Student absences: How they hurt and what works? (w/ Michael A. Gottfried). Teachers College Record, 2015 [Published Version].
Gender gaps in high school students homework time (w/ Stephen B. Holt). Education Finance & Policy, 2015. [PDF] [Published Version].
Linking teacher quality, student attendance, and student achievement. Education Finance & Policy, 2016. [Published Version].
What differences a day can make: Quantile regression estimates of the distribution of daily learning gains (w/ Michael S. Hayes). Economics Letters, 2016. [PDF] [Published Version].
Performance standards and employee effort: Evidence from teacher absences. Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, 2016. [PDF] [Published Version].
Who believes in me? The effect of student-teacher demographic match on teachers' beliefs (w/ Stephen B. Holt & Nicholas Papageorge). Economics of Education Review, 2016. [PDF] [Published Version].Â
Should value-added models control for student absences? Teachers College Record, 2016. [PDF] [Published Version].
Teachers grade-level reassignments: Evidence from Michigan (w/ Quentin Brummet & Michael S. Hayes). Educational Policy, 2017. [PDF] [Published Version].
Re-conceptualizing gaps by socioeconomic status in parental time with children (w/ Katie Vinopal). Social Indicators Research, 2017. [PDF] [Published Version].
Are student absences worth the worry in U.S. primary schools? (w/ Alison Jacknowitz & Andrew Brannegan). Education Finance & Policy, 2017. [PDF] [Published Version].
The summer learning of exceptional students (w/ Michael S. Hayes). American Journal of Education, 2017. [PDF] [Published Version].
Police shootings, civic unrest, and student achievement: Evidence from Ferguson (w/ Michael S. Hayes). Journal of Economic Geography, 2018. [PDF] [Published Version].
The effect of community traumatic events on student achievement: Evidence from the beltway sniper attacks (w/ Erdal Tekin). Education Finance & Policy, 2018. [PDF] [Published Version].
The implications of summer learning loss for value-added estimates of teacher effectiveness (w/ Michael S. Hayes). Educational Policy, 2018. [PDF] [Published Version].
Spring or fall annual tests? Implications for value-added models (w/ Michael S. Hayes). Teacher College Record, 2018. [PDF] [Published Version].
High times: The effect of medical marijuana laws on student time use (w/ Yu-Wei Chu). Economics of Education Review, 2018. [PDF] [Published Version].
The impact of demographic representation on absences and suspensions (w/ Stephen B. Holt). Policy Studies Journal, 2019. [PDF] [Published Version].
Gender, peer advising, and college success (w/ Jimmy R. Ellis). Labour Economics, 2020. [PDF] [Published Version].
Teacher expectations matter (w/ Nicholas Papageorge & Kyungmin Kang). Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020. [PDF] [Published Version].
The Effects of Demographic Mismatch in an Elite Professional School Setting (w/ Chris Birdsall & Raymond Zuniga). Education Finance & Policy, 2020. [Published Version].
When Paywall Goes AWOL: The Demand for Open Access Education Research (w/ Morgan S. Polikoff & Rui Wang). Educational Researcher, 2020. [PDF] [Published Version].
Conceptualizing Grade Inflation (w/ Adam Tyner). Economics of Education Review, 2020. [PDF] [Published Version].
The intergenerational transmission of teaching (w/ Alberto Jacinto). American Educational Research Journal, 2021. [PDF] [Published Version].
Experimental estimates of the student attendance production function (w/ Long Tran). Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, 2021. [PDF] [Published Version].
The Short- and Long-Run Impacts of Secondary School Absences (w/ Jing Liu & Monica Lee). Journal of Public Economics, 2021. [PDF] [Published Version].
The Long-Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers (w/ Cassandra M. D. Hart, Joshua Hyman, Constance A. Lindsay, & Nicholas Papageorge). AEJ: Economic Policy, 2022. [PDF]. [Published Version].
From Referrals to Suspensions: Unpacking the Origins of Exclusionary Discipline (w/ Jing Liu & Michael S. Hayes). Journal of Urban Economics, 2022. [PDF] [Published Version].
Who refers whom? The effects of teacher characteristics on disciplinary office referrals (w/ Jing Liu & Michael S. Hayes). Economics of Education Review, 2023. [PDF] [Published Version]
Blurred boundaries: A day in the life of a teacher (w/ Victoria H. Gibney & Kristine L. West). Research in Labor Economics, 2023. [PDF] [Published Version]
Making the Grade: The Effect of Teacher Grading Standards on Student Outcomes (w/ Stephen B. Holt & Adam Tyner). Contemporary Economic Policy, 2024. [PDF].